Hair loss and thinning hair

Hair loss and thinning hair

And suddenly there's hair everywhere. In the shower. To bed. On the sweater. On the ground. And the hairbrush also holds more hair than normal. Statistically speaking, one in three people have something to do with hair loss or thinning hair in their lifetime.

The causes of hair loss or thinning hair are varied: they are often hormonal, such as after pregnancy, after stopping the pill or during menopause. The reason for this is the drop in the level of estrogen. The problem of hormonal hair loss has often stabilized after about six months. However, the quality of the hair is often significantly worse afterwards and the hair is thinner than before. Men, in particular, are often the victims of hereditary hair loss, which is evident, for example, with the receding hairline. But stress, thyroid disease, iron deficiency, nutritional deficiency or even strict hairstyles such as buns and ponytails can also cause hair loss.

Good to know: losing 80 to 100 hairs a day is normal, anything above that referred to as hair loss. Thin hair is defined by the number of hairs on the head per square centimeter. We speak of fine hair when the diameter of the individual hairs is small.

Treatment of hair loss / thinning with argan oil

What should we do about hair loss or thinning hair? Go to the root of the problem! If the base, i.e. the hair root, is strong, the hair is held in the scalp and the hair receives all important nutrients via the healthy root. So, if you go to the root, you give your hair the best chance to grow back vigorously and healthily. How does it work? About stimulating and massaging the scalp. This promotes and increases blood circulation and thus also the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Our Argan oil is ideal for a relaxing and at the same time nourishing scalp massage. The massage supplies the scalp, hair roots and hair with important vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids (especially linoleic and linolenic), nutrients and minerals which are abundantly contained in argan oil. Particular mention should be made to the so-called ferulic acid in argan oil. The antioxidant soothes irritated hair roots and gives the hair a healthy shine. It also filters the harmful effects of UV rays and thus acts as a protective shield for the scalp and hair.

Did you know that argan oil has been considered a miracle cure for hair growth for many thousands of years? This is easy to explain: The particularly high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids has a positive effect on hair growth, because the ceramides they contain play a key role in hair growth. The revitalizing effects of argan oil also strengthen hair health and thus not only support hair growth, but also hair thickness and stability. The result is fuller, healthier and shinier hair that is protected from harmful environmental influences and stress.

Good to know: what works on the head also works for eyelashes and eyebrows. These fine hairs also benefit from the strengthening and growth promoting effects of argan oil!