
When the skin appears red: the rosacea (also called couperose) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that affects around four million Germans and mainly affects the face with the forehead, nose, chin or cheeks. It is curious that many affected people do not even know they have the rosacea , because the symptoms of rosacea I am symptoms of rosacea or very similar to those of allergies: outbreaks of inflammation on the skin in the form of lumps, pustules or large persistent redness, swelling and burst veins for example, signs of rosacea . Why rosacea develops is still not fully understood, scientists hypothesize several factors, including a disturbance in the innate immune system. The first episode usually occurs in infancy. What is certain is that more women than men develop rosacea, and lighter skin types are at higher risk for the disease. Furthermore, the disease is much more common in the north than in the south of Europe. Those affected often suffer psychologically from rosacea - and be careful to avoid UV radiation, spicy food or alcohol, because irritated skin can react to this with hypersensitivity.

Here's some good news: the rosacea can be significantly reduced and mitigated with the right care.

Not all skin redness has to be the same rosacea . Sometimes the skin simply "turns" due to environmental influences. Red skin is usually very irritated and often indicates that the skin barrier may be damaged or that there may be a contact allergy. Now it is important to properly care for suffering skin, which often itches or feels hot.

Treatments for couperose and redness with argan oil

Our argan oil Argan golden Instantly helps with redness, itching, and general skin irritation. How come? The particularly valuable composition of vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants, tocopherols (compounds of vitamin E) and unsaturated fatty acids has several effects at the same time: it has an antibacterial, disinfecting and healing effect, relieves itching, moisturizes the deeper layers of the skin and regenerates skin cells cools irritated skin. Thus, the skin receives hydration and lipids in one step. Plus, it's a natural product with no synthetic ingredients or preservatives, so reddened skin isn't further irritated. With argan oil you will find exactly the right partner for the care of irritated and reddened skin


We recommend two applications per day with our argan oil Argan golden . Before doing this, the skin should be cleaned with warm water and dried well. Spread a small amount of argan oil on the affected areas and let it absorb well.