Acne / pimples

Acne (full name Acne Vulgaris ) is the most common skin disease in the world, mainly affecting young people, but also many adults. It is expressed - depending on the severity - in the form of blackheads, pimples, inflammatory nodules and very restless skin.

What all degrees of severity have in common is that acne vulgaris is usually triggered by a hormonal change, such as during puberty, pregnancy or menopause, and therefore an imbalance in the hormonal composition between estrogens and androgens. If the thesis that an incorrect diet was responsible for its onset persisted for a long time, this could be refuted, even if there are foods that can favor the development of acne, such as milk or foods high in fat or sugar. Medications can also promote acne. Today we know, however, that in most cases androgens,

Androgens stimulate blackheads, increase in sebum volume and sebum production. This then results in a disproportion between pore size and sebum production, there is an accumulation of sebum and secondary bacterial production, as the skin barrier is damaged and therefore more susceptible to bacteria: pimples can thrive. The most important thing is therefore to strengthen the skin barrier again and thus minimize or stop the spread of bacteria on the skin. This can be achieved with the right care for problem skin.

With ours argan oil Argan golden not only soften and reduce the course of acne, but also old acne scars or signs of acne or zits , as the skin becomes more toned and elastic and argan oil has a rebalancing effect on oily, too dry or combination skin . Furthermore, argan oil accelerates healing and is also ideal for wound care.

By the way: Argan oil can be used to lighten blemishes , some even disappear.

The right cure for acne vulgaris:

1. Wash yourself, but do it right:  pay attention to pure and gentle cosmetics, because this is really the key to happy skin - and you should definitely pay attention to it. The base is a gentle, soothing cleanser that won't dry or irritate the skin, like our Argagolden Sensitive Cleansing Gel , which thanks to aloe vera has an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect. The skin should be cleansed twice a day (morning and evening). Important: the PH value should be in the acidic range and therefore not higher than 5.5.

2. Rely on Argan oil: i Clogged pores cause pimples and blackheads - that's why many people think oils shouldn't be used to care for oily skin. But you thought wrong: at least pure argan oil, like ours argan oil Argan golden  , is ideal for acne, because it combines many benefits:

- Argan oil is non-comedogenic and regulates sebum production - this minimizes the development of pimples and blackheads in the long term.

- Argan oil has also been scientifically proven to help with acne, because it has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates blood circulation in the deeper layers of the skin: this causes the skin to regenerate faster, the barrier skin strengthens , and bacteria can no longer spread so quickly that they have favorite pimples gradually disappear.

- What is special about Argangolden argan oil : It nourishes the skin with important substances, while reducing inflammation and moisturizing it without feeling greasy.

3. Dealing with the "earth": also healing earth  , clay or lava earth (like ours Argangolden Ghassoulland ) are gentle and naturally purifying, provided they are offered in pure form and not heavily processed. All stimulate blood circulation and remove fat, sebum and skin flakes. Lava earth is a particularly delicate and delicate natural cosmetic product. Thoroughly cleanses skin and hair and is lightly touched just before use. The special feature: the lava earth contains many minerals and cares not only for the skin of the face, but also for the body and hair. 1 product, many options!

4. Pay attention to the "non-comedogenic": It's important to make sure you choose products that are labeled "non-comedogenic." Comedogenic substances promote the formation of blackheads!

You should avoid them with acne:

1. Products with alcohol: i cosmetics that contain alcohol can have a drying effect, but this does not lead to the desired success. Dry skin can rapidly flake and therefore disrupt the skin barrier, which means more pimples can reappear.

2. Stay away from pimples: i pimples should not be squeezed under any circumstances, this can lead to scarring.

3. Get out of the sun and humid conditions:

the sun should be avoided. The sunburns sun and heat aggravate acne like a fire blight accelerator. Saunas, solariums and steam baths are therefore also taboo.

4. Milk, Fat, Sugar: you can also play your part in fighting acne from within. If possible, avoid dairy products and processed foods high in fat or sugar, as they can promote acne.