
We love summer and being in the sun. But be warned: without sunscreen, the pleasure won't last long. Because sunburns hurt like hell, the skin is red

partially swollen and itchy. In addition, strong sensations of heat often occur in the affected areas of the skin. Sunburn, which is usually a first-degree burn, can't be reversed, but the symptoms and side effects can be treated well. An exception: If the skin is so badly burned that blisters have formed on the skin, you should see a doctor.

Treat sunburn

The first measure should be to cool the affected skin areas with cold water, for example, to limit the extent of sunburn . Of course, further exposure to the sun should also be avoided. What sun-affected skin needs 

is a treatment with refreshing, soothing and moisturizing cosmetics. With ours Argan oil cold pressed naturally you get all these benefits in one product. The pain, itching, feeling of overheating and possibly subsequent inflammation are reduced by the oil. In addition, healing is accelerated by the antioxidant effect. The vitamins, trace elements, tocopherols and unsaturated fatty acids contained in argan oil protect the cells, accelerate the regeneration of the skin and, above all, provide it with intensive hydration. Argangolden oil is therefore free from artificial ingredients, which contributes to a very good tolerability of this product. Argan oil should be stored as cool as possible at around ten to fifteen degrees.

Use of Argan oil for sunburn:

- First, carefully spread a small amount of argan oil directly onto the burned area - this allows the argan oil to work intensively. You can repeat the argan oil treatment several times a day.

- In case of burns, it is also recommended to take the oil orally as well. In this way, inflammation can be fought more quickly.